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Memorandum of Understanding was signed with London South Bank University
Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa Bin Hj. Abdullah , Pro-Chancellor & Executive Chairman of MAHSA University and Professor Rao Bhamidimarri , Vice President (Development),London South Bank University have signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Academic and Research collaboration and cooperation at the MAHSA Education Group ,Jalan University Campus on June 3, 2016.
LSBU is one of the premier University in the city of London with about 20,000 Students. Established as the Borough Polytechnic Institute in 1892, London South Bank University (LSBU) is promoting the industrial skill, general knowledge, health and well-being of young men and women till today.
Both organizations will promote collaborative projects and cooperate together in all of common interest areas such as Computing, Engineering, Visual Arts and Built Environment under graduate and post graduate programmes.By signing the MOU today, the two Institutions reinstated that they remain focused continuously on providing highest standards of academic and education quality and produce graduates who can meet the challenges of today’s workplace with the responsibility of building a sustainable society.